Dec 25, 2010

ancient Egypt hair style

Wigs were so popular among the Egyptians; however, there is speculation that there might have been a combination of the religious custom of shaving the head and the practical problem of keeping the hair clean and free of vermin in the hot Egyptian climate. There is also evidence that they had a taste for elaborate hair styles which could not be combed out frequently.

Although it appears that shaving the head was practically universal among men; except when they were away from their own country, women sometimes wore wigs over their own hair, which was parted in the middle and combed flat, often showing below the wig in the front.

Dec 24, 2010

Will they attack U S again in Christmas Holiday?

After a spate of bombs found yesterday  in foreign embassies in Rome, Italy has again ratcheted up concern, with authorities calling on people to be on the lookout John Brennan, the White House counterterrorism chief, said Wednesday"We remain vigilant to attempts by Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to carry out cowardly attacks against innocent men, women, and children, and we are working very closely with other governments to share all threat information immediately and to coordinate closely our counterterrorism and security activities,".

Google Empire stronger than any government on the world

Google is still the largest source of outside traffic. Search drives views. But the second largest source of traffic is not another search engine but It is now Facebook.
Facebook shares accounted for 9.6 percent of online video traffic and inother hands we have a nice fact: viewers coming from Twitter watch longer on average than people coming from either Facebook or search but people coming from Facebook watch longer on magazine and newspaper sites

Dec 19, 2010


A good description of angina pectoris (heart attack) is demonstrated in the Ebers Papyrus:
“shouldst though examine a patient with stomach disease suffering from pain in the arms, in the breast, and on one side of the stomach, say: “Death threatens’” and “If thou examinst a man for illness in his cardia, and he has pains in his arm, in his breast, and in side of his cardia, and it is said of him: it is w3d illness, then thou shalt say thereof: it is due to something entering the mouth it is death that threatens him. Thou shalt prepare for him: stimulating herbal remedies …. “.

On deep with Roswell UFO Incident 3/5

Yes we have Witness of Roswell UFO
acramento Bee article from July 8  1947 
In 1978, nuclear physicist and author Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Jesse Marcel, the only person known to have accompanied the Roswell debris from where it was recovered to Fort Worth. Over the next few years, the accounts he and others gave elevated Roswell from a forgotten incident to perhaps the most famous UFO case of all time.
By the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Friedman, William Moore, Karl T. Pflock, and the team of Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt had interviewed several hundred people who had, or claimed to have had, a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947.
Additionally, hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, as were some apparently leaked by insiders, such as the disputed "Majestic 12" documents.

Dec 18, 2010

Julian Assange and condom use: is this is the matter?

Swedish woman accusing WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange of sexual assault said that Julian Assange like sex violent and she tested it her self
Otherwise she focused in some thing amazing for her and this thing is:
Assange's alleged reluctance to use a condom with her while she was asleep.
The woman talked about some thin more amazing that Assange refused to take an STD test. But by the time he agreed to being tested

Ancient Egypt Dental care

Numerous papyri enumerate prescriptions to dental diseases, such as pyorrhea, loose teeth, dental caries and abscesses. Surgically produced holes to drain an abscess under the 1st molar were found in the mandible of a 4th dynasty mummy (2625 - 2510 BC). A loose tooth fixed with a gold wire bridge to a neighboring sound tooth was discovered in another mummy of the same dynasty in Giza. Artificial teeth holding a maxillary bridge by a silver wire was also found in the late period (Greco-Roman). Tooth extraction, treatment of mouth ulcers and treatment of jaw dislocation were dealt with in the Edwin Smith and Ebers Papyri.

the powers of ancient Egypt Magic

While its efficiency in the hands of mortal practitioners was perhaps often less than had been hoped for, magic attracted people because it was practical and made sense. Everything had a reason, often hidden to the ordinary person, but revealed to the knowledgeable.

Dec 17, 2010

Any one like the new electric of London Taxi 2011?

New London Taxi has been unveiled in the form of the Volkswagen London Taxi The man behind the project, Klaus Bischoff, Head of Design at Volkswagen, unveiled the car in Central London.
New London Taxi designed to meet the challenges faced by vehicles in modern cities, with ever tighter restrictions on space and emissions, the Volkswagen London Taxi powered by an electric motor fed by lithium-ion batteries. With a capacity of 45 kW/h the batteries allow the electric motor to generate a maximum power output of 115 PS, translating to a theoretical top speed of 74 mph.

Dec 16, 2010

On deep with Roswell UFO Incident 2/5

Evidence Materials of Roswell

On June 14, 1947, William Ware "Mack" or "Mac" Brazel noticed some strange clusters of debris while working on the Foster homestead, where he was foreman, some 30 miles (50 km) north of Roswell. This date (or "about three weeks" before July 8) appeared in later stories featuring Brazel, but the initial press release from the Roswell Army Air Field said the find was "sometime last week," suggesting Brazel found the debris in early July.

Psychiatry of the ancient Egypt

Psychiatric diseases had their share in ancient Egyptian medicine. Depression was described as: “fever in the heart”, “dryness of the heart”, “falling of the heart”, “debility of the heart” and “kneeling of the mind”. The heart and mind were synonymous.

Dec 13, 2010

On deep with Roswell UFO Incident 1/5

Roswell Daily Record July8 1947
The Roswell UFO Incident was the alleged recovery of extra-terrestrial debris, including alien corpses, from an object which crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947. Since the late 1970s the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and the subject of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object which crashed. The United States military maintains that what was actually recovered was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul"; however, many UFO proponents maintain that in fact a crashed alien craft and bodies were recovered, and that the military then engaged in a cover up. The incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon, making the name Roswell synonymous with UFOs. It ranks as one of the most publicized and controversial alleged UFO incidents.

Dec 11, 2010

This BMW ordered by Adolf Hitler at 1937

328 chassis number 85337 was ordered by the German government to run in the 2-liter class for the 1939 season. They finished 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in class at LeMans. Later that year, they again finished 1-2-3 in the replacement Mille Miglia staged in Northern Africa.

Dec 10, 2010

The Holocaust tragedy 10/10

New methods of murder
A door to a gas chamber 
Starting in December 1939, the Nazis introduced new methods of mass murder by using gas.
First experimental vans, equipped with gas cylinders and a sealed trunk compartment, were used to kill mental care clients of sanatoria in Pomerania, East Prussia, and occupied Poland, as part of an operation termed Aktion T4.
In the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, larger vans holding up to 100 people were used in a similar way since November 1941, yet the gas did not come from a cylinder but directly from the engine's exhaust.

World war one online video 7/7

World war one 7/7

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World war one 6/7

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World war one 5/7

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World war one 4/7

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World war one 3/7

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World war one 2/7

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World war one 1/7


In the higher grades the student was allowed to use paper. One of the main items of Egyptian trade, and one of the permanent gifts to the world is Ancient Egypt writing on paper.
The stem of the papyrus plant was cut into strips, other strips were placed crosswise upon these, the sheet was pressed, and paper, the very stuff (and nonsense) of civilization, was made.
How well they made it may be judged from the fact that manuscripts written by them five thousand years ago are still intact and legible.

Sheets were combined into books by gumming the right edge of one sheet to the left edge of the next; in this way rolls were produced which were sometimes forty yards in length; they were seldom longer, for there were no verbose historians in Egypt
Ink, black and indestructible, was made by mixing water with soot and vegetable gums on a wooden palette; the pen was a simple reed, fashioned at the tip into a tiny brush.

Marilyn Monroe's death the full story and full imagines

May 19th 1962, President John F. Kennedy celebrated his birthday in public, at the famous Madison Square Garden in New York. At the party full of celebrities, more than 15,000 people had seen Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to JFK
4th 1962 the first sex symbol of the world Marilyn Monroe was dead, naked between silk sheets

Dec 9, 2010

The Holocaust tragedy 9/10

Death squads (1941–1943)
A cold water immersion experiment at Dachau concentration camp presided over by Professor Holzlohner (left) and Dr. Rascher (right)
The German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 opened a new phase. The Holocaust intensified after the Nazis occupied Lithuania, where close to 80 percent of Lithuanian Jews were exterminated before the end of the year.
The Soviet territories occupied by early 1942, including all of Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Moldova and most Russian territory west of the line Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov, contained about three million Jews, including hundreds of thousands who had fled Poland in 1939. The remaining three million were left at the mercy of the Nazis.

Dec 8, 2010

WikiLeaks: a CIA act or non-profit organization

WikiLeaks is an international new media non-profit organization that publishes submissions of otherwise unavailable documents from anonymous news sources and leaks. Its website, launched in 2006, is run by The Sunshine Press.
Within a year of its launch, the site claimed a database that had grown to more than 1.2 million documents.The organization has described itself as having been founded by Chinese dissidents, as well as journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from the United States, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. The Guardian newspaper describes Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist, as its director.

Dec 6, 2010

Pirates back again but with black faces

Pirates holding the crew of the Chinese fishing vessel Tian Yu No. 8, guarding the crew on the bow
piracy off the coast of Somalia is caused in part by illegal fishing and the dumping of toxic waste in Somali waters by foreign vessels that have, according to Somali fishermen, severely constrained the ability of locals to earn a living and forced many to turn to piracy instead

Dec 5, 2010

The Holocaust tragedy 8/10

Ghettos (1940–1945)
A child dying in the streets of the Warsaw Ghetto 
After the invasion of Poland, the German Nazis established ghettos in which Jews and some Romani were confined, until they were eventually shipped to death camps to be murdered. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest, with 380,000 people, and the Łódź Ghetto the second largest, holding 160,000. They were, in effect, immensely crowded prisons, described by Michael Berenbaum as instruments of "slow, passive murder."
Though the Warsaw Ghetto contained 400,000 people-30% of the population of Warsaw-it occupied only 2.4% of the city's area, averaging 9.2 people per room.

THE MOST Experimental Motorcycle of 1923

1923 Ace XP-3 Experimental Motorcycle 

This Experimental Motorcycle(Ace XP-3 Experimental Motorcycle Replica of 1923) founded by William G. Henderson in 1920, the Ace Motor Corporation began manufacturing four-cylinder motorcycles that were styled after Henderson's compelling Excelsior-Henderson Model F and Model G inline-fours. the goal was to build the fastest motorcycle in the world, and the first bikes produced by Ace were a series of five experimental four-cylinder engines known as XP1 through XP5.

The car I loved :Pontiac G8 Sport Truck 2010

Not a car and also not a truck, its some thing in-between and this dramatically different vehicle blends the sporty handling of a performance coupe with the cargo capabilities of a light truck. 
Based on the all-new Pontiac G8 performance sedan, the newest member of the G8 family has a longer wheelbase and a cargo bed suitable for either work or recreation. The G8 sport truck significantly stretches Pontiac's commitment to style and performance and is expected to arrive in dealers' showrooms in late 2009.

Dec 4, 2010


Money, in one form or another, has been used by man for centuries. At first it was mainly Gold or Silver coins. Goods were traded against other goods or against gold. So, the price of gold became a reference point. But as the trading of goods grew between nations, moving quantities of gold around places to settle payments of trade became cumbersome, risky and time consuming. Therefore, a system was sought by which the payment of trades could be settled in the seller’s local currency. But how much of buyer’s local currency should be equal to the seller’s local currency?

After The world war 2 Conquering Germany video online

After The world war 2 Conquering Germany

What happened in Germany after the war was over. History exposed.

Watch classic movie online Shock (1946)

Jews First appearance of the in ancient Egypt

The first appearance of the jews in the old history was accompanied by the migration of Ibrahim the father of all the prophits from Kildan (Iraq) across the desert to the land of the Kanaan people who are the origin of the Finijians in Lebanon and the Palastinians in Palastine. That was around the year 1800 B.C

Ancient Egypt Alternative physiotherapy

Alternative medical procedures were commonly practiced. Physiotherapy was depicted in a relief tomb in Saqqara showing massaging of a shoulder and a knee. Heliotherapy (exposure to ultraviolet sunrays) was mentioned in Ebers Papyrus for pain relief

The Holocaust tragedy 7/10

Nisko plan

On September 28, 1939, Germany gained control over the Lublin area through the German-Soviet agreement in exchange for Lithuania.
According to the Nisko Plan, they set up the Lublin-Lipowa Reservation in the area. The reservation was designated by Adolf Eichmann, who was assigned the task of removing all Jews from Germany, Austria and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Dec 3, 2010

What is Adsense: a money machine

Firstly a quick preview on the ins and outs of a Google Adsense Account. What is Adsense? It is management center for webmasters who want to display text and image adverts on their website that are automatically geared to showing advertisers relevant to the content of that site or individual page. Adsense

Introduction in monetizing your blog with google adsense

For the last couple of years, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense has already dominated the internet marketing business and is now
considered the easiest way to making money online.

ANCIENT Egyptian Engineering

Egyptian Engineering and Culture
Ancient Egypt Provides an Early  Strategic Technology Institute
Example of How A Society’s Worldview Drives Engineering and the Development of Science.

Technology, or if one prefers engineering , is a function of societal values.1 While modern philosophers continue to debate whether technology shapes society or whether society shapes technology, the development of engineering and the science over 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt vividly demonstrates the extent to which technology can have practical social and religious bases.

Dec 2, 2010

Eye care in ancient Egypt

Eye care of the workmen was demonstrated in several papyri and tomb inscriptions. Foreign body removal and treatment of eye inflammations and minor operations were so common. The Ebers Papyrus says:


about the very difficult Yahoo Publisher Network

Yahoo Publisher Network

Yahoo are currently playing catch up to Google and are trying to release their own context sensitive advertising service. This promises to be an excellent alternative to Google Adsense but in reality is likely to be a simple copy with the same restrictive terms and conditions as Google, including $100 minimums on payouts. The system seems to have been in beta test for several years now, perhaps explaining why Yahoo as a company is suffering. Unfortunately while you can visit their site and sign up to register for an account don't expect to actually hear back from them. They are either extremely selective or are simply not accepting new publishers and advertisers, either way they won't even bother to get back to you to let you know this and most applicants won't even receive a reply saying their application has been rejected. Thus until it goes live and it becomes clear what type of website owners Yahoo will be targeting I cannot place it any higher in this list.

Ancient Egypt Empire

EGYPT, THE WORLD’S FIRST SUPERPOWER, WAS BORN ABOUT 5000 B.C.E. in the valley of the Nile River in northeastern Africa. Tucked into a long, narrow gorge threaded by the river and bounded by steep cliffs, Egypt enjoyed a predictable, mostly pleasant climate and natural barriers against invasion. To the west lay the Sahara Desert, to the east a harsh, mountainous wasteland. To the south, a series of six great rapids (called cataracts) obstructed the river. To the north was the “Great Green:” the Mediterranean Sea.

The Holocaust tragedy 6/10

Early measures in German occupied Poland

The question of the treatment of the Jews became an urgent one for the Nazis after September 1939, when they invaded the western half of Poland, home to about two million Jews. The pre-war Second Polish Republic had been split between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, in the preceding Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Of the German share of Poland, the northwestern parts were annexed, while the southeastern parts were made the Generalgouvernement led by Hans Frank. The invasion led Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and France to declare war - World War II had started.

The Holocaust tragedy 5/10

Kristallnacht (1938)

On November 7, 1938, Jewish minor Herschel Grünspan assassinated Nazi German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris.
This incident was used by the Nazis to initiate the transition from legal repression to large-scale outright violence against Jewish Germans.
What the Nazis claimed to be spontaneous "public outrage" was mass pogroms conducted by the Nazi party and SA members and affiliates throughout Nazi Germany (then consisting of Germany proper, Austria and Sudetenland).