Aug 19, 2010

The most worst car Trabant

The most worst car Trabant

In the same way that a ghetto childhood can help a boxer become heavyweight champion of the world, the Trabant's East German background gives it a clear advantage in its bid for the Worst Car of All Time title. The now-fallen communist state provided ideal conditions for the creation of a truly awful vehicle: a demoralized labour force, incompetently-run factories, and a iron-fisted political system that crushed innovation. Trabants were powered by smoke-belching two-stroke engines, and the bodies were constructed of compressed cardboard coated with plastic resin. Reliability was terrible, and the gearshift mechanism is generally agreed upon as one of the worst ever invented. None of these problems quenched demand. In East Germany, the Trabant was the only car available, and the waiting list was typically ten years long.

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