Sail Takes Over AD 1300
In northern Europe the warship underwent its own distinct development. By AD 1300 high castles were added to the ends of the vessel to give bowmen a height advantage in battle. Over the next 300 years or so tllese castles grew in size; however, as the gun became tile main weapon, housed in the hull for better stability, so the castles were reduced to a low poop and forecastle.
As tile fore and aft rig gained predominance so the galleys witil tileir banks of oars fell from favor
The need to have the hull sides left clear for the many rowers meant that only the extreme ends could carry guns, making these lightly built vessels no match even for the lightly-armed frigates.
From the beginning of the fifteenth century warships and merchant vessels continued to develop along different lines.
Ships would no longer need to carry a single mast but two- and later three-masted vessels were built that proved reliable on long voyages. The early practice of steering with a single large oar at the stern gave way to the rudder right aft on the centre line of the vessel, so giving more positive control on the steering.
Other improvements in technology occurred, notably with the development of the compass and the hour glass and these, combined with the log that measured speed, made navigation by dead reckoning possible. Europeans were now able to explore and trade in far off places, which m turn led to colonization in North and South America, Africa and beyond.
By 1800 the selling ship had reached the peak of its development.Over the proceeding few hundred years many countries developed their navies to a high degree, with England Spam, France and Holland leading the way. Indeed, one of the prime factors in the development of these countries' naval forces was the need to protect the merchant ships tramp in far-flung colonies. By 1800 America was also in the forefront of technology, producing some of the worlds finest finagles.
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