This is the most popular books about the Bin Laden terrorist Kingdome5/5
This is the most popular books about the Bin Laden terrorist Kingdome and we found from thousands of the hug books written about Bin Laden only 5 books we can call it a really unique books information about Bin Laden terrorist Kingdome
We really made a hard search to let you know the best books you can read about this Bin Laden terrorist Kingdome
5/Osama bin Laden and the Future of Terrorism
When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan , the United States assisted in training the rebels fighting the Soviets. Little did it know that it was thereby paving the way for future terrorism.
Reeve, an investigative journalist and freelance writer, explains how two men who eventually benefited from this military training have terrorized the world during the past decade. He argues that Ramzi Yousef, who masterminded the bombing of the World Trade Center, acted from a mixture of political and religious motives and shows that he was captured only through the hard work (and a little luck) of the FBI and other intelligence agencies around the world. Reeve also provides a better understanding of Osama bin Laden, who funds the terrorism movement (he is from an extremely wealthy family) and was responsible for the double U.S. Embassy bombing in Africa in 1998. Reeve argues that even if bin Laden were captured, someone else will take his place: "It is no longer a question of if terrorists will successfully use a weapon of mass destruction, but when."
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